Self Conscious, the J Eric Miller blog

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Buying Something

One of my students from last year, a truly good guy, one of the best I’ve known, adopted a rat, well, more like he rescued it, saved it…that’s sort of right. You know what, it’s his story. So I’ll let him tell it. The rat, it’s a girl, her name is Herbert and she’s got to have all her teeth pulled out. This is 278 dollar thing and only has to be done if he wants her to live.

Merry Christmas Jared, you're rat's going to die of long and misshapen teeth if you don't get them pulled out in a nearly 300 dollar ordeal.

Anyway, I know it’s a pinchey time of year, but I’d like to give you directions to Jared’s blog where he talks more specifically about Herbert and where he also posts pics and finally his address so that if you feel like dropping a couple of bucks, you can.

I bring it up to direct people toward her and also to legitimize what Jared is doing. I’ve met Herbert. I’ve fed her. My son has held her and always asks on the phone about her. She’s real. So too is her problem. Jared is not running a scam and has sunk a fortune into this problem plagued little rat already.

Here’s his blog’s address:

For my part, what can I do to help beyond dropping him a check myself? Well, for every dollar he receives toward Herbert’s teeth pulling thing, I’ll vow an hour of absolute silence, no talking at all, not including the time I sleep. You all could shut me up for over a week. My students would adore you.

I know, you have no real stake in my silence, but it will still feel like you’re buying something.
If you can think of anything better, let me know. I'll do it.
And I'll blog it all.